Family Spring Frolicking • Kath Eats

Family Spring Frolicking • Kath Eats

I’m sharing a catch-up of all the family spring frolicking going on!

Family Spring Frolicking
Remember when I used to blog about things an hour after they happened? I’m here to share pics of Mother’s Day with you today. Haha! I let pics accumulate in my Adobe Lightroom and then when I think I have a good batch for a Lately-style post I write one. But sometimes I get behind or forget and I have SO much backlog to share! I ended up splitting those pics into friends/family/food and this is the family edition! First up we rewind back to Mother’s Day….
Mother’s Day
My sweet, sweet boys waking me up! 

They brought me breakfast in bed and some gifts along with their best smiles. Chocolate beignets, bagel, fancy fruit, and lots of coffee!

Plus cards and chocolates! They know the key to my heart is lots of sugar and sugary sweet words of affirmation. 

Related: 10 High Fiber Breakfast Ideas
I had the day to enjoy being the background parent – I was present but not in charge! It was fantastic. Later in the afternoon we went out to Thomas’s parents’ house for dinner. 

Bubbles for the moms! 

A delicious grilled lamb with potatoes, salad, asparagus, and bread. 

For dessert, chocolate cake which I request in a mug! I really like eating desserts in mugs. Something about the sides making it easier to scoop up with a spoon!

Daddy Activities 
Thomas took the boys out to Sugar Hollow for a hiking adventure. Look what Mazen found! 

They’ve also been playing lots of golf! Mazen finished a season of OP36 at Birdwood, and they’ve continued going to play together. Birch is juuuuuuust old enough to ride in the cart and participate in a few holes! He just needs lots of snacks. 

Mom Activities 
I got to join Birch at his school for a Mother’s Day picnic! It was so cute to see him play with his friends. They prepared fruit kebobs and punch for the family members in attendance. 

Birch has been wearing this black fedora everywhere. It’s his signature look at age 5.5! 

I went with Thomas’s aunt Layton and my friend Sean to see Titanic The Musical with Birch at Charlottesville High School. I’d like to start taking the boys to more theater and am looking for kid friendly shows! Of course Birch dressed “fancy” for the event. 

B and I did a little outdoor nature drawing together while Mazen was in an appointment. 

My nature scene: 

“Our Family” by Birch. That figure on the left is me not Gus! 

Bro Activities
The boys are at a stage now where they are playing very nicely together. Bubble hats, water balloons, Legos. 

During our renovation Thomas added hot water to our hose line for things like washing Gus…..or filling up a hot tub in the springtime!! 

The Lego room gets lots of action after school. 

Farewell to School
Birch’s preschool put on a Truck Touch event last month, and we had a great time touring moving trucks and firetrucks. It was a soggy day, but the event was well attended! It’s hard to believe that because of covid this was our first and only event at the school we’ve been a part of for four years. 

And lastly – Birch is gearing up for public school kindergarten! He has been registered and participated in a KG Camp Day at the elementary school. He wasn’t nervous until he was, but then at pickup he was all smiles! He loved riding the bus!! It’s so hard for me to believe he’s moving on to public school and is almost six years old! 

My parents are coming for a visit very soon, and they boys are wildly excited! More pics from their visit coming soon. 

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