Good Fillings… Mincemeat Pie Filling

Good Fillings... Mincemeat Pie Filling

Mincemeat Pie Filling (with Suet and Meat)

Found on Canning Only Recipes – Found on Pinterest
Yield: About 7 quarts
2 cups finely chopped suet4 lbs ground beef or (4 lbs ground venison and 1 lb sausage)5 quarts chopped apples2 lbs dark seedless raisins or cranberries1 lb golden raisins or cranberries2 quarts apple cider2 Tbsp ground cinnamon2 tsp ground nutmeg5 cups sugar2 Tbsp saltCook suet and meat in water to avoid browning.Peel, core, and quarter apples.Put meat, suet and apples through food grinder using a medium blade or use a pulse on a food processor.Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan and simmer 1 hour or until slightly thickened. Stir often.Fill jars with hot mixture leaving 1 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles and refill if necessary to 1 inch headspace.With a paper towel that has white vinegar clean the rim of the jars to get a good seal.Add your hot lids/rings and process in your pressure canner for 90 minutes at 10 lbs of pressure for weighted gauge and 11lbs for dial gauge.

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