Is Fermentation Scary? — FermentWorks

Your heart will thank you! — FermentWorks

Evidence suggests that eating natto* (or other B.subtilis soy ferments) can be one of the best heart healthy diet choices one can make. A massive study was released last week and reported on in the New York Times that singled out natto as the most significant factor in lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease. This…

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creamy pea gazpacho — Spice & Hutch

creamy pea gazpacho — Spice & Hutch

It’s rare that I cook a 100% vegetarian, gluten- and dairy-free dish. But after my recent marathon of sugary baked goods, it’s high time for a little something healthy. And green. So green! I wanted to make a light and refreshing dish to eat on a hot summer day and gazpacho immediately came to mind. Creamy…

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Daily Dozen–Inspired Recipes

Daily Dozen–Inspired Recipes

Dr. Greger developed the Daily Dozen using the best available balance of evidence from scientific nutrition research. Rather than being a meal plan or diet in itself, the Daily Dozen is a checklist to inspire you to include some of the healthiest of healthy foods in your everyday routine and encourage you to design more…

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Sysco Celebrates Opening of New Pennsylvania Distribution and Culinary Center

Sysco Celebrates Opening of New Pennsylvania Distribution and Culinary Center

Sysco Corporation, the leading global foodservice distribution company, announced the grand opening of Sysco Allentown, a new 454,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art distribution center in Northampton, Pennsylvania.The new location will bring nearly 250 career opportunities to the community and bring Sysco’s industry-leading service and solutions to the Lehigh Valley, Northeast Pennsylvania, Poconos and Northern New Jersey. “Our team at Sysco…

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Herbst, ein bisschen Gejammer und Plätzchen bemalen — Elisabeth Cölfen

Herbst, ein bisschen Gejammer und Plätzchen bemalen — Elisabeth Cölfen

Aaaah… Herbst. Endlich Schluss mit der Schwitzerei, schöne Spaziergänge mit Hunden, die vergnügt in Laubhaufen wühlen.Herbst ist eigentlich meine absolute Lieblings-Jahreszeit. Aber diesen Herbst kann ich nicht so richtig genießen, weil ich mehr im Bett als mit den Hunden im Park bin. Nach zwei Antibiotika-Therapien hat mich ein übler Durchfall erwischt, den ich jetzt schon…

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