In the hustle and bustle of life, finding the time to prepare healthy, balanced meals can often feel like a daunting task. However, with the right strategies and recipes, nourishing your body with wholesome ingredients becomes not only achievable but enjoyable.In this article we will delve into the realm of prepped meal recipes, focusing on healthy home cooked meals that are portion controlled and will also include a nutritious breakfast granola recipe made with nuts and seeds to kickstart your day.My inspiration for writing this article began when my daughter went off to University. With her busy University life and studies I knew it would be hard for her to eat well. This brought on the whole meal prep idea. I would make her my home cooked meals and by using smaller sized containers I would portion out 1/3 sections for a protein, vegetable and a grain. Nicely balanced. Recently, my brother approached me to help him with his diet and for losing weight. I decided to start making him the same prepped foods. It has been 2 months and he has lost 50 lbs! This was incredible and I am so proud of him and happy to help. I am excited to share my strategies and recipes here with you today.