Roasted Radishes and Lemons on a Bed of Greens

Roasted Radishes and Lemons on a Bed of Greens

Roasted Radishes and Lemons
1. Rinse the radishes off in a colander.  Chop each end off the radishes and then chop in half or fourths.  Rinse them off in a colander again after chopping.
2. Peel and chop the onion, then add to the colander to rinse along with the radishes.
3. Dump the onions and radishes out on a baking sheet, and drizzle 1 tbsp olive oil over them, then flip with a spatula to coat them evenly.
4. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and roast the radishes and onions for 20 minutes.
5. Rinse off two lemons, slice them, then place in a colander to rinse again.
6. Scrape the skin off a ginger root with a spoon, rinse, then grate 1 tbsp into a small bowl with a cheese grater.
7. When the radishes and onions are done roasting, add the lemon slices, then pick of the leaves of rosemary and sprinkle them over everything, then sprinkle the ginger over everything.
8. Drizzle 1/2 tbsp olive oil over everything and use a spatula to toss.
9. Put everything back in the oven to roast for a total of 10 more minutes, using a spatula to flip halfway through.
Snap Peas
1. In a large covered pan, boil 4 cups of water.
2. Open the package of snap peas and rinse them in a colander.  Add them to the pan of boiling water.
3. Let the snap peas cook for about 5 to 6 minutes, or until tender.
4. Drain the peas in a colander when done cooking.  You can place them in with the sautéed greens after you prepare those if you like.
Sautéed Greens
1. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp water over the stovetop in a large pan.
2. Rinse and drain the spinach in a colander, then add to the pan.
3. Saute the spinach over medium heat until slightly wilted and softened.
Tahini Dressing
1. Add rice vinegar, white vinegar, water, tahini, lemon juice, maple syrup, and sesame oil to the blender, and blend until thoroughly mixed.
2. Store in a small tupperware container or Mason jar in the fridge between uses.
To Serve
1. On a plate, serve the sautéed greens and snap peas first.
2. Next, add the roasted radishes and lemons.
3. Finally, top with tahini dressing.

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