Explore NutritionFacts.org Resources

Explore NutritionFacts.org Resources

NutritionFacts.org has so many free resources to help you on your journey to a healthier life.
The Evidence-Based Eating Guide

The Evidence-Based Eating Guide: A Healthy Living Resource from Dr. Greger & NutritionFacts.org simplifies making the switch to a healthier lifestyle. It’s an easy-to-understand guide, bursting with information on eating more healthfully, including a breakdown of Dr. Greger’s Traffic Light Eating, tips for using his Daily Dozen Checklist, sample menus, and more.

Daily Dozen Meal Planning Guide

The healthiest diet is one that maximizes the intake of foods-as-grown—whole, plant-based foods—and minimizes the consumption of processed and animal-based foods. In the first half of his book, How Not to Die, Dr. Greger covers the whys of eating healthfully, exploring diet’s role in the prevention, treatment, and sometimes even reversal of the fifteen leading causes of death in the United States. In the book’s second half, he dives into the hows of eating healthfully and shares his Daily Dozen checklist, grocery shopping tips, and meal planning ideas.
In our Daily Dozen Meal Planning Guide, we walk you through the steps for incorporating the Daily Dozen checklist into your life and give you additional strategies to help you build more healthful eating habits. Download your free copy of the guide today!


Interested in Spanish infographics?
Email Series
We offer three great email series to support you in living healthfully:

Join us for our How to Live Longer series, where we go through some of the most important information Dr. Greger uncovered on the science behind healthy aging. Sign up for this email series and learn how to live longer, vibrantly. 
Our Plant-Based Living weekly email series gives you simplified takeaways and actionable tips on healthy eating. Whether you’re new to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle or would benefit from reminders on some of the key aspects of evidence-based nutrition, this series is for you.
Join us for 11 weeks of Daily Dozen support emails to help you Do the Dozen with ease.

Optimum Nutrient Recommendations
Check out our Optimum Nutrient Recommendations for more on vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, iron, and selenium. 
Topic Pages
To view all of our videos organized by topic, explore our topic pages. 

Each recipe in our collection uses only health-promoting ingredients, based on Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen and dining by traffic light system. These whole food, plant-based dishes, sauces, condiments, and sides come from The How Not to Die Cookbook and The How Not to Diet Cookbook, part of Dr. Greger’s award-winning series, as well as contributions from the NutritionFacts.org team and friends.
Dr. Greger’s Live Presentations
From the comfort of your own home, join Dr. Greger as he dives into the content of each of his acclaimed books with these recordings of his live presentations.
Listen to the Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger podcast and take Dr. Greger with you in the car and on walks. 
Live Q&As
Join Dr. Greger live each month for an exciting Q&A. Sign up to our free newsletter to get the date and link directly in your inbox. You can also check out past Q&A sessions recordings.

International Content 
The entire NutritionFacts.org website has been translated into Spanish, and we also have Spanish Facebook and Instagram pages. On DrGreger.org, you’ll find shirts, stickers, and Evidence-Based Eating Guides in Spanish.
Check out our NutritionFacts in China page for links to all our Chinese content, including social media, books, and infographics. On DrGreger.org, we also have shirts and Evidence-Based Eating Guides in Chinese.
Dr. Greger’s books have been translated in many languages. Check out this page for more information. 
Want to see all the NutritionFacts videos available in your language? Visit our search page and check out the ‘Subtitle Language’ menu on the right side or press the ‘Filters’ button if you’re on mobile. After you select your language, the results will list all the videos with subtitles available in that language. View this page for instructions on how to access subtitles and translations in our videos: Closed Captions and Translations.
Supporter Rewards and Recognition
As a token of our gratitude, thank you gifts are available for each donation tier. You will have the opportunity to opt-in once your donation is made. Thank you!
Host a Screening
Share the latest in evidence-based nutrition with your community by hosting a free screening of Dr. Greger’s “How Not to Die,” “Evidence-Based Weight Loss,“ or “How Not to Age” presentation. Each video runs for approximately one hour. Your free Digital Event Kit will include the video, an introduction to NutritionFacts, a fun trivia game for attendees (not included in the “How Not to Age” screening kit), and tips for hosting. Each screening event is approximately two hours long.
By providing this fun and educational event kit, we hope to make it easier than ever to spread the message about evidence-based eating.
If you are interested in volunteering with NutritionFacts.org, check out our open positions. Also, please consider subscribing to our Nutrition Mission Newsletter. 
Speaking Tour 
Want to see Dr. Greger in person and get your books signed? Check out his speaking tour calendar. 
In the DrGreger.org store, you can find digital downloads of our video collections, shirts, and outreach material. The print versions of our English, Spanish, and Chinese Evidence-Based Eating Guides are 20% off through May 20, 2024. 
If you missed Dr. Greger’s How Not to Age Book Club Webinar Series, the recording is available on DrGreger.org. 
The Daily Dozen App
Download the free Daily Dozen app today and start including some of the healthiest foods in your diet. Track your servings, analyze your progress, and learn along the way. The app is available in the App Store and Google Play.

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