August is the thick of harvest and canning season. Gardeners who can are usually quite busy in August just trying to keep up with the tomatoes, green beans and okra among other veggies. Most will not even consider taking the time to include jelly or jam unless they have a strawberry patch and they have to. But for those of you who don’t have a garden taking up all your canning energy, here is a list of fruits that are ripening in the month of August for you to can up a bit of late summer flavor and enjoy it this coming winter. I noticed so many citrus fruits on the list that an obvious choice would be to make some kind of marmalade. Or with two kinds of apples, apple butter is a great choice and perfect for holiday gift giving. The two on the list that grabbed my interest were pineapple and rhubarb. I think for my recipe of the month I will search for a jelly or jam recipe that uses one or both of them. Stay tuned! Here is the full list for you to choose from, kiwifruit is another oddball on there and I will try to include a recipe for that one real soon! August canning planner list Blood orangesCustard applesFuji applesGrapefruitKiwifruitLemonsLimesMandarinsNavel orangesPineapple RhubarbStrawberriesTangeloHappy canning! And remember, there is no such thing as too much jelly!