It has been a few crazy days in my area. We are close to the border of Ukraine and since the war started we have had refugees coming our way. Some of them are staying for good, some until the war is over and some just go to other countries.
I did not have time to post anything about food or photography. I will try to post it when I have time. I am a volunteer together with my friends for an ONG that helps the person in need. These days we are helping lots of refugees to run from the war, start a new life, or survive the new world.
So, please forgive the lack of recipes or tips about food photography.
If you want to donate you can find the details here:
Asociația Donează Gura Humorului
Thank you for your understanding!
Published by Gabriela Lupu
Hi. My name is Gabi and I am a professional photographer, a new mom and a wife. I wanna learn to cook healthy food for my little one, so I made this blog to share my cooking experiments with everyone. It’s gone be a long and a bumpy ride but a funny one, so stay tune for news and enjoy my ride.
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