A platter of malted waffles has a bottle of Carnation Malted Milk on the side.

Malted Waffles – Peanut Blossom

Malted waffles with malted milk powder stirred into the batter griddle up perfectly golden brown and crispy! This is the perfect waffle choice for sweet or savory dishes and our pick for the best chicken and waffles. We’ve been on a serious waffle kick around here. After taste-testing several new recipes, these malted waffles are…

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Happy Doctor’s Day

Celebrating National Doctor’s Day: Empowering Physicians for Health Transformation

In a world where chronic diseases are increasingly prevalent, the need for innovative approaches to treatment has never been more critical. Rather than solely relying on pharmaceuticals to manage symptoms, the medical community is embracing a paradigm shift towards addressing the root causes of these conditions. This is where the power of therapeutic carbohydrate restriction…

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Food Storage: What I Stock and Why

Food Storage: What I Stock and Why

Today, I decided to share my thoughts on Food Storage: What I Stock and Why. Here’s the deal: We all have ideas for food storage, but we also have different budgets. Some people believe in food storage, and others wonder why we stock extra items in our pantries. I get it: We see the grocery…

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Can you be anti-diet and still care about nutrition?

Can you be anti-diet and still care about nutrition?

There’s this myth — perpetuated in part by the Washington Post — that adopting an anti-diet approach is also anti-nutrition. In fact, I often hear clients and other people express trepidation about giving up dieting and relaxing their food rules because they care about nutrition and health. The truth is that many factors that influence…

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Syncing Your Brain and Body Clocks 

Syncing Your Brain and Body Clocks 

Exposure to bright light synchronizes the central circadian clock in our brain, whereas proper meal timing helps sync the timing of different clock genes throughout the rest of our body.  One of the most important breakthroughs in recent years has been the discovery of “peripheral clocks.” We’ve known for decades about the central clock—the so-called suprachiasmatic…

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